
An entirely new level of performance - in business, leadership and life.

Create Motive


The greatest fallacy of our time is that businesses exist to profit.

Make profit your motive and you will spend every day solving problems, fighting fires and listening to everyone else’s complaints.

But understand how to make your business competitively fit and profit will be a natural outcome, and all the problems that a ‘profit-first’ motive creates will disappear.

Businesses are made to Compete.

Understand what that means, make that the motive of your business, and your business will never be the same.

Become Great

There is an art to building a great business. It is not a science but a continuing application where every day you seek to master the principles and every day you understand a little more.

Insights & Advice

'Great leaders are learners. They are always discovering new ideas, seeking to be challenged and searching out new heights to grow their business.'
Read the Compete Weekly articles in our Insights section and take your business to an entirely new level of performance.